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The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Driving around town, you’ve undoubtedly already begun to notice it. Lights, decorations, reindeer, and inflatable snowmen adorning homes and lawns throughout your community. With Thanksgiving just behind us, the holiday season is set to begin in full swing. But before you staple a hundred strands of icicle lights to your house, deck your halls and lawn with decorations, and trudge Santa, his sleigh, and the reindeers up onto your roof, those in associations need to review their governing documents.

Some associations, of course, do not have any restrictions as to how much Christmas spirit can be displayed in, around, and on individual units. Some though, have regulations that strictly prohibit placing things on the common areas such as inflatables, lights, and/or decorations. Some associations also restrict what can be hung in windows and on doors. Some associations merely require board approval before endeavoring to put up such things.

A question that frequently comes up is whether the Board may elect to spend association funds on holiday decorations from the general budget. The Board may choose to spend some money from its general fund. However, there are a few things to consider. The Board must ensure that these decorations do not have a religious theme. A holiday tree in the lobby may be acceptable, but do not purchase a nativity scene. Also make sure that the Board is complying with the Association’s rules regarding holiday decorations. Be practical about unnecessary purchases. If you just had to specially assess all of your members, the Board probably should not be using the general fund for decorations. The same goes for general financial problems, that is, if your association is having problems paying a utility bill, do not spend money on holiday decorations.

So before your neighbors sync up a light display to your favorite holiday tune for passersby to enjoy, make sure they have checked the governing documents to make sure that the display does not wind up getting them a lump of coal in their stocking in the form of a fine from the association.

More on Community Associations

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Cleveland, OH 44114

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