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Quick Quiz: Test Your Knowledge On Pets!

1. Does a requirement in the Declaration that all pets be leashed only extend to dogs?

2. If an owner fails to clean-up after their dog when they take walks, do we have any remedies?

1. NO. Pet leash restrictions apply to all pets that have occasion to visit the outdoors, whether they are dogs, cats, monkeys, rabbits, etc. While some say it is silly to leash a cat, allowing a cat to roam outdoors may deprive other owners of the enjoyment of their property (i.e. cats spraying front doors and causing damage). While it seems unlikely that your bunny is going to terrorize the neighborhood, the rules must be applied even-handedly to all animals.

2. YES. Most association documents provide that owners must clean-up after their dogs. Even if there is not a provision specifically stating this, the Board may adopt a rule that all owners must clean-up after their pets or the Association may rely on nuisance provisions in the governing documents to commence enforcement proceedings.

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Cleveland, OH 44114

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