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Our Clients Ask Us: Tenants On Board?

Q: Our Association has
a rather large number of renters that reside in the Units. We are trying to get people interested in serving on the Board of Directors. We have received an increased number of responses from renters expressing an interest in serving on either the Board of Directors or as an Officer. Can a renter be a Board member or an officer?

A: THAT DEPENDS. The answer will lie in your governing documents. If the documents contain language that allows non-owner Board members then a renter may serve on the Board. However, most documents require an owners or spouse of an owner to serve as a Board member. So the answer, most likely, is NO with regard to serving on the Board.

The eligibility requirements for an officer may be different; therefore, there is a greater possibility that a renter could serve as an officer. Also keep in mind that if your documents do not allow renters to serve in either capacity that you may consider letting them serve on a Committee. Having the input of renters in your community can be a valuable resource and can bring in the renter’s perspective. Especially if your association has a large or growing number of renters, involvement can help them become invested in the community.

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Ott & Associates Co., LPA

1300 E 9th St, Suite 1520
Cleveland, OH 44114

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