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Our Clients Ask Us: Jury Duty

Q: I recently received a summons for jury duty. What can I do if I need to work on the days I am supposed to be on jury duty?

A: When you are called to jury duty, you become a very important person in the legal system. Therefore, you have an obligation to your fellow citizens to serve on the jury and should make all possible arrangement to fulfill that duty.

If it is imperative that you work on the days you are scheduled for juy duty, you may be able to contact the court to arrange a deferral of jury duty. Most likely, you will need to submit a request in writing to the court stating why the defferal is necessary. Even if you are able to coordinate a deferral, it will only be temporary.

You may also want to consider more permanent reasons for which you may be exempt or disqualified from jury duty. However, there are only a few instances in which a person is exempt or disqualified from jury duty.

Some examples include:

  • You are not eighteen years of age;
  • You are a cloistered member of a religious organization;
  • You are no longer a resident of the jurisdiction of that court;
  • You were convicted of a felony and your rights have not been restored;
  • You are physically unable to serve;
  • You have served as a juror within the past year;
  • The interests of the public will be materially injured by your attendance;
  • You would be harmed by serving as a juror;
  • You are necessarily absent from the county;
  • Your spouse or near relative has recently died or is dangerously ill.

Because each court differs, you will need to consult with the particular court that you received a summons from.

Just remember whatever action you decide to take after receiving the summons, it is illegal to simple ignore it.

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Cleveland, OH 44114

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