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Here Kitty, Kitty: Whose Cat Is That?

Pet restrictions are often a board’s worst nightmare when it comes to enforcement. As difficult as dealing with the association canine population may be, in some ways it can be simpler than the feline contingent.

How so? Chances are, it’s pretty obvious who a dog belongs to. You can observe the dog outside a particular unit, or tied in the backyard, or you see the owner walking the animal down the street. They tend to wear collars and tags with identifiying information on them.

How often to do you see a cat being walked around by an owner on a leash, or tied up in the backyard? You may have a few neighborhood cats that you can’t identify.

Some associations have rules and a registration system for dogs. But perhaps those rules should require that all pet owners register their pets, including the animal’s name, description, proof of vaccinations, and a photo of the animal. Having a system to register the animals, including the cats that wander outside, can help the association identify which animals are causing problems.

If the animal is registered, you can identify whose cat is using the landscaping as its litter box, whose cat is marking your front door, and whose cat is digging in the flowerbeds. Some have even seen cats sitting on cars, cats that have not been declawed, using the car as a scratching post.

Many associations tend to equate pet restrictions to dog issues or to simply limiting the number of pets so that you don’t end up with a unit owner with 50 feral cats that will destroy the unit. It’s important to remember that, just like dogs or other animals, not all cats are indoor cats and not all cats are friendly.

Owners should be responsible for controlling their pets and their behavior, no matter what type of animal they have.

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