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Chapter 5312: What It Means For Your Hoa: Part Vii

This article marks the continuation of our summary of the Planned Community Act that went into effect on September 10, 2010. Chapter 5312.07 pertains to books and records.

All owners are allowed to examine and copy the books, records and minutes of the association. The examination is subject to reasonable standards set by the Declaration, Bylaws or the Rules. The standards may include the types of documents that are permitted to be examined and copied, along with the times and locations available for examination and copying, along with the reasonable fees for copying the documents.

There a number of documents that cannot be examined or copied unless approved by the Board. They are as follows:

(1) Information that pertains to property-related personnel matters;

(2) Communications with legal counsel or attorney work product pertaining to potential, threatened or pending litigation, or other property-related matters;

(3) Information that pertains to contracts or transactions currently under negotiation, or information that is contained in a contract or other agreement containing confidentiality requirements and that is subject to those requirements;

(4) Information that relates to the enforcement of the Declaration, Bylaws or Rules of the owners association against the other owners; and

(5) Information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by state or federal law.

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