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Board Meeting Minutes: Tips For The Secretary

Minutes are a record of what was DONE at the meeting, NOT what was SAID by every member or guest. You should include, in the first paragraph:

-Kind of meeting (regular, special, adjourned)

-Name of board

-Date and time of meeting

-Place of meeting, if varies

-Fact that Chairman and Clerk were present or name of substitute

-Whether minutes of previous meeting were read and approved

Each subject should have its own separate paragraph, with the name of the mover. All motions brought before the assembly should be noted.

The hour of adjournment should be noted, as well as the results of any roll call vote. If there is a ballot vote, those results should be noted as well. In addition, the minutes should be signed by the Secretary.

These items should not be included in the meeting minutes:

-seconder’s name

-remarks of guest speakers

-personal opinion on anything said or done

Keep in mind that minutes should be brief, and generally should not contain several paragraphs about a particular issue.

Also, make sure that any meetings taken in executive session are maintained separately from the regular board meeting minutes.

When in doubt, you may refer to Robert’s Rules or feel free to contact our office with any questions you might have regarding the proper content of the meeting minutes. The minutes should be approved at the next meeting of a similar kind.

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